Thursday, September 19, 2013

Of Fire and Blood and Golden Things: The Tale of Smaug the Great and Terrible

Like a shadow
In the night,
Through the mountains
Towards the hold,

Shouts of men and dwarves alike,
Terror, fire, blood, and fright.

The town, it fell
In flames and wails,
The river red and thick and warm.

The screams, they rang
All day and night
Till Durin’s Door I reached at last.

They stood and fought,
The pitiful folk.
Like leaves I swept them to and fro.

A shadow of fear,
Of terror and power.
Slashing claws and searing fire.

The hold, it fell
To my great might.
Those foolish dwarves all ran in fright.

The caverns deep and vast and great.
The gold, the gold!
Oh, what a sight!
A home, a bed, the perfect prize!

And so I slept both day and night
While all the world looked on in fright.

A strange new scent.
I awoke with a start.
Who dare disturb my sacred rest!

“Well thief!
I smell you and I feel your air.
I hear your breath.
Come along!
Help yourself again,
There is plenty and to spare!"

The lying rascal,
A flatterer for sure,
Yet a thief he was and a thief, no more.

The stinging fly,

I scoffed and laughed.
The little fool.
He’ll die, he’ll die
Like all the rest!

But no!
He’s gone, he’s gone!

The sneaky, lying little beast!
Friend of dwarves of Kings deceased.
I’ll show him. I’ll show them all.
No more thieves will come to call.

Like a shadow
In the night,
Through the mountains
Towards the town.

The screams the cries,
Oh what delight!
Fear me! Fear the night!

But, wait! What’s that?
A man alone.
A bow he draws with arrow black.

“The fool,” I laugh.
“My armor is strong.
No craft of man can
Pierce me through.”

Low I dive.
He’ll die, the dolt.
My teeth and claws shall tear him through.

Pain! The Pain!
Like fire it burns!
Straight through the heart,
It burns, it burns!

A shriek so great
Rang through the night.
It deafened man,
Felled trees, split stone .

I fell and fell,
Crashed to the ground.
The pain, the pain! Oh, curse the man!

A gushing whirl,
And then the end.


Works Cited

Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit. New York: The Random House Publishing Group, 1982. Print.

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